Why exercise is vital before and after bariatric surgery?

Posted on July 14, 2024

Regular physical Exercise is one of the cornerstones for maintaining a healthy weight. Regular physical exercise has numerous health benefits. First and foremost , it directly causes burning of calories and thus results in weight loss.

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Constipation after bariatric surgery

Posted on July 9, 2024

Constipation is a common problem faced by patients after undergoing a bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgety mostly results in restriction of food intake because of the small sized stomach pouch created during the surgery.

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Will my doctor know if I cheat on my diet before bariatric surgery?

Posted on July 2, 2024

Sometimes, patients may not take these instructions seriously and skip on the liquid diet prescribed by the doctor. These patients may end up with a very heavy liver and loaded gut at the time of surgery which may hinder the surgical procedure.

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Vitamins you need after bariatric surgery

Posted on June 29, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery for long term weight management. Although there are many different types pf procedures , all of them have restriction of caloric intake as the key component of weight loss.

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Mastering portion control after Bariatric Surgery- A guide to long term success

Posted on June 22, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery for long term weight management. Although there are many different types pf procedures , all of them have restriction of caloric intake as the key component of weight loss.

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Does bariatric surgery help in loss of belly fat?

Posted on June 15, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic procedure for long term weight loss. The surgery leads to a caloric deficit in the body due to restriction in food intake along with metabolic boost which results in fat burning and weight loss.

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Is it safe to perform bariatric surgery in summer months?

Posted on June 8, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a procedure for long term weight loss. It is performed almost exclusively by the laparoscopic approach which means that there are no large incisions at the time of surgery but rather only small key hole incisions are there.

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Can Bariatric surgery lead to excess weight loss or weakness in the body?

Posted on June 1, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a procedure for weight loss in morbidly obese people. It involves reducing the size of stomach and intestines to reduce the intake as well as absorption of food.

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Can a person develop gall stones after undergoing bariatric surgery?

Posted on May 12, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a procedure for weight loss in morbidly obese people. It involves reducing the size of stomach and intestines to reduce the intake as well as absorption of food.

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Can Bariatric Surgery be reversed or revised after a certain time?

Posted on April 14, 2024

Bariatric surgery is a permanent solution for weight loss and comorbidity resolution. This procedure is an internal surgery which reduces the size of stomach and intestines leading to weight loss.

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Is bariatric surgery covered under insurance?

Posted on March 30, 2024

Bariatric surgery was not covered in health insurance previously as it was regarded as merely a cosmetic procedure. But now, it’s health benefits have been proven beyond doubt and all major insurance companies have started giving coverage for bariatric surgery.Bariatric surgery was not covered in health insurance previously as it was regarded as merely a cosmetic procedure. But now, it’s health benefits have been proven beyond doubt and all major insurance companies have started giving coverage for bariatric surgery.

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Is it true that stomach can stretch after many years of bariatric surgery?

Posted on March 25, 2024

Bariatric surgery involves in most cases reducing the size of the stomach and/or the intestines by mechanical devices known as staplers.

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What is the difference between restrictive and malabsorptive bariatric procedures?

Posted on February 7, 2024

Bariatric surgery procedures have broadly been grouped into two types- restrictive and malabsorptive. Whereas restrictive procedures just reduce the size of stomach either temporarily or permanently

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Which diet is better for maintaining healthy weight?

Posted on December 9, 2023

There is often a controversy regarding what kind of diet is best for weight loss -

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How much weight loss is expected after intragastric balloon procedure?

Posted on july 29, 2023

Intragastric balloon is a non-surgical procedure for weight loss in patients having moderate to severe obesity.-

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Cost of intragastric balloon in Delhi

Posted on july 27, 2023

Intragastric balloon is a non surgical procedure for weight loss in people with moderate to severe obesity.-

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What are the indications for intragastric balloon?

Posted on july 25, 2023

Intragastric balloon is a non surgical intervention for weight loss in people -

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What are the advantages of intragastric balloon as compared to bariatric surgery?

Posted on july 18, 2023

Intragastric balloon procedure offers several advantages over bariatric surgery-

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What is the diet prescribed after intragastric balloon procedure?

Posted on july 11, 2023

The diet prescribed after intragastric balloon implantation is similar to that after a bariatric Surgery-

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What are the do’s and don’ts after an intragastric balloon procedure?

Posted on july 7, 2023

Intragastric balloon procedure is safe and easy to perform but it requires certain compliance’s to yield effective results.-

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Does Bariatric surgery result in immediate weight loss and transformation of the body ?

Posted on july 3, 2023

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery which targets the root cause of obesity -

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What are the pros and cons of doing a bariatric Surgery using robotic-technique ?

Posted on june 28, 2023

Robotic surgery is emerging in a big way in the major metropolitan cities of India -

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What are the treatment options for obesity in children ?

Posted on june 15, 2023

Obesity has become a pandemic of the modern world. Earlier, it was a problem of the developed countries but recentl--

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How does Bariatric surgery help in resolving diabetes ?

Posted on May 8, 2023

Bariatric surgery helps in diabetes resolution by -

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Bariatric surgery Vs Liposuction- Which is better ?

Posted on April 28, 2023

Bariatric surgery -it is a metabolic surgery for long term weight loss. It has an effect over the entire body. It is an internal surgery that

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Male breast enlargement Gynaecomastia

Posted on April 15, 2023

Enlargement of the male breast is known as Gynaecomastia. It is a common condition which can affect young boys or

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Is bariatric surgery a safe procedure?

Posted on April 7, 2023

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery for long term weight loss. It is performed for the morbidly obese group of patients to help in

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What are the chances of weight regain after bariatric surgery ?

Posted on Mar 31, 2023

Weigh regain after bariatric surgery is a complex and multifactorial process which needs careful consideration. It can

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What are the indications to undergo Endoscopic Batiatric procedures?

Posted on Mar 26, 2023

Endoscopic bariatric procedures are the recent additions to the armamentarium of weight loss procedures. These

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Can bariatric surgery be performed for older people?

Posted on Mar 19, 2023

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic procedure for long term weight loss. It can be performed for all adults who are

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What are the do’s and don’ts after Bariatric surgery?

Posted on Mar 10, 2023

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic procedure for long term weight loss.

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Does bariatric surgery affect men’s health ?

Posted on Mar 03, 2023

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic procedure for long term management of obesity and related diseases.

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Can a person consume alcohol after bariatric surgery?

Posted on Feb 28, 2023

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery for weight loss and resolution of obesity related comorbidities.

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Are there chances of body weakness after bariatric surgery?

Posted on Feb 10, 2023

Bariatric surgery results in caloric restriction and may also cause long term malabsorption of nutrients

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Ten Commandments of Success after Bariatric Surgery

Posted on Feb 14, 2022

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective treatments for long term weight loss in morbidly obese individuals.

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How to avoid weight gain while working from home

Posted on Feb 14, 2022

Maintain a proper routine.Take proper food breaks, avoid munching while working or stress eating

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Types of intragastric balloon for weight loss

Posted on Nov 23, 2021

There are different types of intragastric balloon for weight loss. Some of them have a fixed volume while others are adjustable.

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The Delayed Side Effects After Bariatric Surgery

Posted on Nov 15, 2021

Bariatric surgery can be associated with a number of side effects. These side effects can be immediate, early or delayed.

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Side Effects of Bariatric Surgery

Posted on Nov 15, 2021

Side effects can occur after any surgical procedure and the same is true for bariatric surgery as well. These can be grouped as immediate, early and delayed.

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Posted on Nov 10, 2021

Upper GI endoscopy is an important diagnostic and therapeutic tool for many upper gastrointestinal disorders. Diagnostic endoscopy is an outpatient procedure which is usually performed under local anaesthesia.

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Vomiting after bariatric surgery

Posted on Nov 09, 2021

Vomiting is a common symptom after any and all types of bariatric surgeries and may become troublesome for some patients. Vomiting occurs most often in the first few days and weeks of surgery and usually subsides with time.

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Which bariatric surgery is right for you?

Posted on Nov 08, 2021

Patients are often confused about which bariatric surgery they should undergo in order to reduce weight while having the least side effects. Bariatric surgery is a constantly evolving field with new procedures being developed and some of the older procedures being disregarded.

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Intra gastric balloon

Posted on Oct 04, 2021

The Intragastric balloon is a non surgical weight loss procedure which has gained a lot of popularity in today’s times. This procedure involves placement of a deflated balloon inside the stomach.

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Can we digest food normally after gallbladder removal surgery?

Posted on Oct 04, 2021

One of the commonest problems which present to a general surgeon in his clinic is people having gallbladder stones. These stones cause a variety of symptoms including gas bloat , abdominal pain, vomiting and sometimes can cause jaundice and pancreatitis.

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How to avoid weight regain after bariatric surgery?

Posted on Sep 27, 2021

Bariatric surgery is a procedure for long term weight loss. It should be accompanied lifestyle modification to ensure that the results stay for a long time. Many people, however, are concerned that they might regain weight which they have initially lost after their surgery.

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Liver health after bariatric surgery

Posted on Sep 27, 2021

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure for long term weight loss for the morbidly obese group of people.

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Banded bariatric procedures

Posted on Sep 27, 2021

Bariatric surgery is a long term treatment for morbid obesity. But in many a cases, it is plagued by the problem of weight regain.

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Is Coronavirus vaccination safe after undergoing bariatric surgery?

Posted on Sep 20, 2021

We are still facing the global threat of the coronavirus pandemic and the best weapon in our fight against coronavirus is vaccination.

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Sleeve Vs Bypass - Which bariatric surgery is better?

Posted on Mar 2, 2021

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective treatments for morbid obesity and associated comorbidities.

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Weight loss surgery for Metabolic Syndrome

Posted on Jan 28, 2021

Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery is a long term solution for obesity and related diseases. Obesity is defined as excess accumulation of fat within the body which can be in the form of subcutaneous fat and visceral fat.

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Safety in Bariatric Surgery

Posted on Jan 20, 2021

Bariatric surgery as with any other elective surgical procedure comes with its own list of side effects and complications. Though this surgery is safe for most people, there are some high risk individuals and situations where the treating doctor needs to take extra precautions. The risk of major complications has decreased steadily over the years and the risk of any life threatening event is less than 0.2 % that is , less than one in five hundred.

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Life after bariatric surgery - Tips and Tricks

Posted on Jan 19, 2021

Life after bariatric surgery is a second chance for a healthy life with a fit body and one should make the most of it. Here are some tips and tricks to make your journey after Baritric surgery smooth and avoid complications.

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Weight loss surgery in Delhi- Myths and Facts

Posted on Jan 18, 2021

Weight loss surgery or bariatric surgery in Delhi is a long term treatment for weight loss and related comorbidities. In this article, we will attempt to bust some myths related to bariatric surgery.

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Stapling Technology In Bariatric Surgery

Posted on Jan 11, 2021

The development of tissue stapling devices has led to many advancements in the field of bariatric surgery. Stapling devices has made it possible to perform all types of bariatric procedures by laparoscopic technique. Previously, complex operations of the abdomen including bariatric surgeries were performed by open technique which necessitated giving a big cut on the abdomen and performing the operation manually by cutting with scissors and putting stitches on the stomach and intestines to seal the tissues. Nowadays, the stapling devices make all of these possible by keyhole surgery and the entire process has become mechanised.

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Bariatric surgery In India

Posted on Dec 23, 2020

The prevalence of obesity is increasing globally and the current pandemic situation has placed a number of restrictions on the outdoor activities of most people. This has led to fewer opportunities for exercise and fitness which has made the situation worse for the morbidly obese people.

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Bariatric surgeon in Delhi

Posted on Dec 14, 2020

It is imperative to make an informed and judicious when choosing the best bariatric surgeon in Delhi. The patient while choosing his/her surgeon should be aware of the surgeon’s credentials and training. Bariatric surgery is a highly specialised field and any surgeon practising bariatric surgery should be well trained in minimal access surgery as well as bariatric surgery.

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Safe Surgical Practices in COVID-19 Era

Posted on Nov 26, 2020

We all are facing the global pandemic of COVID-19 head on since past many months. There have been tremendous losses both in terms of human lives and finances. Although a ray of hope is visible as a successful vaccine is on the way, it may take a long period of time for the situation to return to normal.

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Coronavirus and Obesity – A Deadly Combination

Posted on Nov 23, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has emerged as the most important health risk in 2020 which has affected millions of people across the globe. This novel virus causes a predominantly respiratory illness which may progress to multi organ failure in severe cases due to unregulated systemic immune response. There is currently no effective treatment for this illness and the mainstay of cure is prevention by means of wearing masks, social distancing and periodic hand sanitisation. The development of an effective vaccine is under way but may take time.

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Anal Fissure Treatment

Posted on May 23, 2020

Anal fissure is a small crack or tear in the internal lining of the anal canal. It occurs as a result of hard stools causing trauma to the delicate lining while being passed outside

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Appendicitis Treatment

Posted on May 18, 2020

The treatment of appendicitis involves emergency surgery by removal of the appendix. Giving antibiotics alone might treat a minor infection but which is usually done by laparoscopy

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Colonoscopy Treatment

Posted on May 14, 2020

Colonoscopy is a procedure for visualisation of the lower gastrointestinal tract namely the anal canal, rectum and colon. It is performed with a help of a colonoscope which is a flexible tube with a camera

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Fistula Surgical Treatment

Posted on May 11, 2020

The treatment for any fistula is usually surgical. The type of operation depends upon whether the fistula is simple or complex and whether it is a low fistula or going deeper into the anal canal

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Gallbladder Anatomy and Physiology

Posted on May 5, 2020

During this surgery, the duct going into the gallbladder is blocked by surgical clips and then the gallbladder is divided and extracted outside from the body

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Skin sagging after bariatric surgery

Posted on May 2, 2020

Skin Sagging is less likely in younger individuals less than 40 years of age because their skin is elastic and has the capacity to stretch as well as contract. It is more common in individuals over age 60 because of loss of skin elasticity

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Maintaining proper protein intake after Bariatric surgery

Posted on April 15, 2020

Each post bariatric surgery meal or snack should comprise at least 40% of calories through protein rich food. The protein rich food should be consumed first as opposed to carbs or fat rich foods since it is considered more important and will contribute to satiety.

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Weight regain after Bariatric surgery

Posted on March 31, 2020

Weight regain is a long term complication which is seen in 5-15% of patients who undergo bariatric surgery. It is defined as regain of more than 20% of the nadir weight which was achieved after weight loss surgery.

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Can I plan my pregnancy after Bariatric Surgery

Posted on March 15, 2020

Bariatric surgery is often indicated in these people because of cosmetic reasons, PCOD, depression and infertility. Bariatric surgery through weight loss alleviates the co-morbidities and reduces the risk posed by increased weight during pregnancy

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Ten Misconceptions about Bariatric Surgery

Posted on July 13, 2019

With modern advances in technology lives of people have become easier but has led them to adopt a more sedentary lifestyle leading to reduced physical activities. People

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Important Steps for Maintaining Weight Loss Post Bariatric Surgery

Posted on July 1, 2019

Maintaining weight loss after obesity treatment (bariatric) surgery requires commitment

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Is Bariatric Surgery Worth with the Associated Side Effects?

Posted on June 14, 2019

Severe obesity is one of the ills of modern society as people’s intake of calories far exceeds their calorie expenditure. Excessive fat accumulation is difficult to burn with diet or exercise alone

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How is bariatric surgery useful for cases of fatty liver disease?

Posted on June 19, 2018

Obese people have increased levels of both subcutaneous and visceral fat within their body. Subcutaneous fat is the one which is stored under the skin and makes the person appear bulky while the visceral fat

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Why is bariatric surgery useful for people with joint pains and osteoarthritis?

Posted on June 16, 2018

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery which results in reduction of the excess weight of the person significantly and thereby contributes to resolution of obesity related diseases. Obese people often complain of pain in the weight bearing joints

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How much is bariatric surgery without insurance?

Posted on May 23, 2018

Bariatric surgery is a group of procedures for morbidly obese people which aim at long term effective weight loss.Though bariatric surgery is strictly not a cosmetic procedure,it has been classified as one in the ICD system,

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Bariatric surgery cost in India

Posted on May 14, 2018

Bariatric surgery has been established as the most effective treatment for morbid obesity and related co morbidities. However, many people who are definitive candidates for surgery shy away from this treatment because of its associated cost.

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Bariatric surgery in Delhi, India

Posted on May 5, 2018

Bariatric surgery is one of the most effective methods of long term weight loss for people with morbid (extreme) obesity. It not only helps in shedding the extra pounds but also helps in resolution of obesity related diseases like diabetes mellitus, hypertension, sleep apnea,

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Eating right after bariatric surgery

Posted on May 4, 2018

Bariatric surgery is a life changing experience to say the least especially in terms of the diet which has to be followed post surgery. Patients usually go through 4 phases of strictly followed diet in the initial 6-8 weeks following their surgical procedure but after that,

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Exercise after Bariatric Surgery

Posted on May 3, 2018

We all need regular exercise to keep our bodies healthy and it is no secret that exercise is the key to weight loss as well. Regular exercise not only burns calories but also boosts the basal metabolic rate which means that you utilise more energy while resting as well. ,

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Things You Need To Know About Obesity Treatment

Posted on July 13, 2017

The goal of obesity treatment is to reach and stay at a healthy weight. One may need to work with a team of health professionals including a dietician, behavior counselor or an obesity specialist to help you understand and make changes,

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Bariatric Surgery, Best Bariatric Surgeon in Delhi and Costs Involved

Posted on June 23, 2017

Obesity is one of the biggest problems that people are currently facing. While in most of the cases, obesity can be cured or be kept under check by diet, exercise, medicines,

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Hair fall after Bariatric surgery

Posted on June 13, 2017

There is a lot of concern regarding hair fall after bariatric surgery. Normal hair growth is dependent upon a healthy, balanced diet and hair fall is a sign of micronutrient deficiency. Hair fall usually begins

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Metabolic Surgery in Delhi - A novel treatment for diabetes mellitus

Posted on June 5, 2017

Metabolic surgery , a variant of bariatric surgery, has emerged as one of the effective treatment options for diabetes mellitus.Diabetes is a chronic disease characterised by high blood sugar levels

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Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy for Morbid obesity

Posted on June 5, 2017

Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy has become the most commonly performed Bariatric surgery in India and worldwide for Morbid obesity. It started out as the first stage procedure of the originally performed

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When is the right time to go for a weight loss surgery?

Posted on May 19, 2017

Weight loss surgery is a major life change and hence decision. Of course, one shouldn’t be precipitate in taking this decision. If you are struggling to lose weight and haven’t had success through other means such as diet,

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Reasons Why Weight Loss Surgery Works When Dieting Fails

Posted on March 31, 2017

When the risk increases and regular methods to lose or manage weight becomes unsupportive, doctors suggest for bariatric surgery.

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11 dieting Habit to help you achieve your Weight Loss Goals

Posted on Dec 10, 2016

Many people start with practically no robust weigh loss plan and in little time, they quit their effort. Although changing your food habit is key to weight loss, following an informed method will help you achieve you goals better.

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Bariatric surgery increases life expectancy

Posted on Dec 10, 2016

Obesity is associated with an increased risk number of lifestyle disorders like hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes mellitus, osteoarthritis and certain types of cancers. The risk of these diseases is directly linked to increasing BMI.

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Role of Bariatric Surgery in Diabetes mellitus

Posted on April 27, 2016

Bariatric surgery is not just a procedure for weight loss; It is a metabolic surgery as well. This means that it leads to certain metabolic alterations which have a positive impact in terms of insulin secretion and remission of diabetes.

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How gastric bypass surgery works?

Posted on April 26, 2016

Bypass is one of the oldest bariatric procedures That have stood the test of time. It is regarded as The gold standard amongst bariatric surgery Because the long term (> 15 years) results of Gastric bypass in terms of both weight loss and resolution of comorbidities have been better than any other procedure till date.

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How Bariatric Surgery Works: Before, During, and After?

Posted on April 23, 2016

Bariatric surgery is basically An operative procedure which aims at long term and sustainable Weight loss for an individual. There are three types of procedures- Restrictive, Malabsorptive and Combined.

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