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Tummy tuck Surgery (Abdominoplasty)

Tummy tuck or abdominoplasty procedure is generally done for shaping the sagging abdomen after massive weight loss or repeated pregnancies. It involves removal of the extra hanging skin and fat in the lower part of the abdomen along with tightening of the muscles to give the abdomen a flatter and toned look.

Advantages of tummy tuck

  • Removal of extra skin and fat giving a flat and toned look to the abdomen

  • Increased mobility and range of movements for the patient due to removal of excess bulk

  • Better muscle tone and function which enhances the capability to exercise

  • Improved skin and personal hygiene which is sometimes difficult because of overhanging skin folds

Who are the right candidates for tummy tuck?

People who have excess hanging skin and fat in the lower part of their abdomen below the navel which happens after massive weight loss (eg: after bariatric surgery) and/or repeated pregnancies are candidates for tummy tuck operation. It can be done for both men and women but generally advised for women after they have completed their family.

How is tummy tuck different from liposuction?

In tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), the entire hanging part of extra skin and loose fat below the navel is removed by giving long incision just below the bikini line. The muscles can be tightened with this procedure and it may involve removal or repositioning of the navel/belly button. Whereas in liposuction, only the excess fat in different areas of the body including the abdomen is removed by using a suction cannula and very small cuts. It doesn’t remove the extra skin nor tightens the muscle and but it can be done without any scars.

What is mini tummy tuck?

Mini tummy tuck is generally done for people with loose skin just below the navel without extra fat or loose muscles. It removes the skin below the navel without repositioning it and doesn’t involve any muscle tightening.

Does tummy tuck leave scars?

Tummy tuck operation leaves a scar which is hidden in the lower abdominal crease or bikini line so that it is not visible above the waist line.

What is the recovery time after tummy tuck?

Tummy tuck operation is done under general anaesthesia and usually a patient is discharged from the hospital within 48 hours. The patient may resume their routine activities within 8-10 days of surgery and are advised to avoid strenuous exercises for 6 weeks after the procedure.

Can you plan pregnancy after tummy tuck?

Women are usually advised for tummy tuck procedure after they have completed their family. This is because the results of tummy tuck operation would tend to get spoiled by pregnancy. However, there is no medical contraindication to pregnancy if a woman so desires any time after a tummy tuck procedure.

Is tummy tuck surgery safe?

Tummy tuck procedure is a major surgery done under general anaesthesia with its own risks and complications. However, if it is done for the properly chosen patients by an experienced surgeon, the chances of complications are quite small.

How long does the result of tummy tuck surgery last?

The cosmetic result of tummy tuck surgery is generally permanent but the patient needs to be careful about the proper diet, exercise and to avoid fluctuations in weight after the procedure.

