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Vitamins you need after bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic procedure for long term weight loss and remission of obesity related comorbidities. Although the surgery has numerous health benefits, it does have some side effects the most notable being deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals. Since the surgery results in restriction of good intake as well as decreased absorption of food, patients typically require increased dosage of essential vitamins and minerals particularly in the initial phase of rapid weight loss. These may have to be continued in the long term depending upon the dietary intake as well as symptoms of deficiency in the body.

Patients after bariatric surgery typically require supplementation of Vitamin B complex, Biotin and Vitamin D and essential minerals like Iron, Calcium and Zinc. Rarely , they may become deficient in other vitamins like Vitamin A,C,E and K which may require supplementation too. The patients after bariatric surgery are advised to increase the intake of the essential vitamins to 1.5 -2 times the normal RDA depending upon the type of procedure they have undergone as well as the pre existing deficiency. This can be done by taking the recommended multivitamin tablets once or twice daily. These tablets are usually large in size and chewable tablets are preferred so that patients don’t have any difficulty in swallowing particularly in the initial period after surgery. In additions, tablets of calcium and vitamin D combinations as well as those having iron, zinc and biotin are recommended.

The multivitamins are necessary to regulate the body metabolism and energy as well as the health of skin, hair , gut as well as the immune system. Their deficiency causes weakness and lethargy as well as dullness of skin and hair. Lowered body immunity may increase the chances of infection in the body and disturbances in digestion are manifested in the form of bloating, urgency of stools as well as oily and poorly formed motions. Calcium and vitamin D are required for bone health and any deficiency leads to pain in bones and joints and may make the person prone to fractures. Lastly , iron and zinc are required for synthesis of new blood cells in the body and their deficiency is manifested in the form of low haemoglobin known as anaemia. It also leads to brittle nails, thinning of hair and excess hair fall. Biotin deficiency is also particularly linked to hair fall and its supplementation corrects this problem promptly.

The vitamin deficiency is most often diagnosed by the clinician based on the symptoms of the patient. Sometimes, blood tests are required to document the extent of deficiency and these can be repeated upon correction. Most deficiencies are managed with the help of tablets and capsules but severe deficiencies may require injections and hospitalisation.

Hence, it is vital to recognise the importance of essential vitamins and minerals in a person’s diet and their proper supplementation after undergoing a bariatric surgery. It is also important to understand that vitamin deficiency is a preventable problem and regular follow up visits and following the propers instructions are the key to prevent them.
