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Mastering portion control after Bariatric Surgery- A guide to long term success

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic surgery for long term weight management. Although there are many different types pf procedures , all of them have restriction of caloric intake as the key component of weight loss. This is achieved by reducing the size of the gastric pouch by either stapling, suturing or by means of an implant to restrict the amount of food which can be consumed in one sitting.

The diet immediately after bariatric surgery is basically divided into 4 phases - clear liquids, full liquids, semisolid/puréed and soft diet which is finally followed by a normal diet. All the phases of diet are followed for 15 days and each phase transitions into the next one depending upon the acceptance of the patient to increase their intake of food. The idea behind this is to allow the body to adapt to the new anatomy and to train the patient to regulate their food intake. Patients are also advised to eat slowly, chew thoroughly and not to combine liquids with solid food intake. The portion size is limited to 100 ml for liquids and a quarter plate or small bowl for semisolids or solid food. The patients are advised to consume 6-8 of these small portions evenly spaced throughout the day to maintain the basic caloric intake and avoid malnutrition.

Once patients have started their solid diet after a period of two months, they are advised to stick to their new regimen and not increase portion size. Hunger pangs may be controlled by increasing protein and fibre in the diet. Protein powder taken once or twice daily dissolved in water or milk helps to mitigate the hunger pangs and reduces caloric intake. The patients are advised to maintain a food diary which helps to keep a watch on unnecessary calories. Positive lifestyle changes like walking , using stairs , engaging in outdoor physical activities, etc. help in boosting the metabolism and promote weight loss. Besides these, patients are advised to participate in regular support group meetings to discuss their problems and help overcome the challenges of their weight loss journey.

A holistic approach to weight loss after bariatric surgery helps deliver the best long term results.
