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Constipation after bariatric surgery

Constipation is a common problem faced by patients after undergoing a bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgety mostly results in restriction of food intake because of the small sized stomach pouch created during the surgery. Reduction of portion size often results in decreased consumption of water as well because patients are unable to consume liquids after taking a solid meal. This results in excess water absorption in the intestines from the residual food which makes the stools hard leading to constipation.

The problem of constipation is patient as well as procedure centric. Those who have a history of constipation before the procedure end up with similar problems after their surgery. Procedures which are purely restrictive and donot reduce the length of the intestines like sleeve gastrectomy result in greater constipation as compared to produces providing malabsorption like gastric bypass.

Constipation is more severe in patients who lack proper fluid and fibre in their diet. Patients are instructed to take around 80-100 ml of water every 1-2 hours and this should be taken either hour an hour before or after taking a solid meal. They are also advised to take more fresh fruits, vegetables and salads in the diet and chew their food thoroughly to help increase the bulk in the stools.

Sometimes constipation becomes more problematic and requires medication. Several medications are available including stool softeners, bulking agents and laxatives which ensure smooth passage of stools. Suppositories snd enemas may be given when hospitalised but regular intake of laxatives may be recommended at the time of discharge to prevent exacerbation of the problem in the post operative period.

Thus , constipation may occur in varying degrees of severity after bariatric surgety but is largely preventable snd effectively managed with medication.
