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Is it true that stomach can stretch after many years of bariatric surgery?

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic operation for weight loss and remission of obesity related complications. Bariatric surgery involves in most cases reducing the size of the stomach and/or the intestines by mechanical devices known as staplers. The staplers put three rows of very small titanium pins on the tissue sealing it completely and cut the tissue from between. This leads to faster healing and quick recovery.

The patient can resume their diet soon after surgery starting with liquids and then progressing to semi solids and then finally solid food after 1-2 months. The stomach gradually adapts to taking a normal diet and stretches gradually to accommodate increased quantities of food over time. However, the patient should be careful that don’t increase their dietary intake beyond a particular limit to avoid stretching the stomach too much. This means taking small portions of food at frequent intervals . They should also avoid taking fizzy drinks, soda and high calorie liquids and too much of greasy snd processed foods all of which can stretch the stomach leading to weight regain.
