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11 dieting Habit to help you achieve your Weight Loss Goals


Many people start with practically no robust weigh loss plan and in little time, they quit their effort. Although changing your food habit is key to weight loss, following an informed method will help you achieve you goals better.

Weight loss has been a top most priority in today’s health conscious generation. Due to the adverse effects of obesity, people, especially who are stuck to regular ‘9 to 5’ type of work schedule, are getting more alert. However, in their endeavor to fight the battle against obesity, many just miss out the fact that diet proper diet plays the biggest role. Weight loss is not about refraining from eating; rather it is more about eating the right food, at the right amount and at the right time. Here, we have put a strong 11-point dieting habit to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

1. Get Active

Do not start your day in a hectic mode. Wake up early, get out in the fresh air and do some exercise or aerobics. Getting active does not only hold for a morning schedule. Try to stay active in whatever you are doing, whether at home or in your office. It will help you burn out extra calories.

2. Never Skip Breakfast

Breakfast is the first meal of the day that holds tremendous significance to start a refreshing and energetic day. Take all more whole and solid food in breakfast with fruit juice or milk. Skipping breakfast will encourage irregular snaking throughout the day, which ultimately will be the cause to gain more weight.

3. Add more Fruit and Vegetables to your Meal

Fruit and veg are not only low in calorific value, but they also have high fibre content, which are a plus for weight loss. They provide the essential minerals and vitamins for a healthy mind and body.

4. Eat High-fibre Foods

High-fibre foods, such as oats meal, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, fruit and green vegetables, beans, peas and lentils are very beneficial for weight loss. They stay for a longer time in your stomach and keep you to feel contended.

5. Drink plenty of Water

As a rule of the thumb, you must consume an average of eight to ten glasses (approx. 1.5 litres) of water in a day. Do not compensate your water intake with other liquid drinks, such as aerated water, soda and energy drinks.

6. Use smaller Plates and bowls

This is somewhat a psychological approach towards looking weight. By using smaller plates and bowls, you will tend to have a smaller portion of your daily meal, yet you will remain satisfied and contended. Eat slowly and stop eating when you feel full.

7. Read Food Labels Carefully

Make it a habit reading the food labels to gain an insight about how healthy food you are taking on a daily basis. It will also help you choose healthier food options and drastically low down your excess calorie intake.

8. Plan your Meals

It is better to plan your meals. Take small and frequent meals throughout the day. Follow a planned schedule for your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks with a close vigil on the calorie intake. You can break your daily food intake in to six small meals and plan it for a complete week.

9. Do not ban any Food

Do restrict any food from your weight loss plan, especially the ones you like the most. Doing so will only your temptation towards them. As long as you are within your daily calorie allowance, you should take all food that you like.

10. Replace Junk Food with Health Snacks

Do not store junk foods such as biscuits, chocolate, sweet fizzy drinks, crisps and at home. Replace such food with healthy snacks, such as oatcakes, unsalted rice cakes, unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.

11. Avoid Alcohol

Drinking adds to steady weight gain. A calorific value of glass of wine is equivalent to that of a piece of chocolate. In addition, alcoholism adds uncontrolled food habit and breaks your effort to lose weight.
