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Does bariatric surgery help in loss of belly fat?

Bariatric surgery is a metabolic procedure for long term weight loss. The surgery leads to a caloric deficit in the body due to restriction in food intake along with metabolic boost which results in fat burning and weight loss.

Although most of the fat in the body is stored under the skin in the form of subcutaneous fat deposits, it is also present within the abdomen as visceral fat. This visceral fat contributes to the protruding belly seen in many obese people especially males. Bariatric surgery helps in loss of both the subcutaneous as well as visceral fat from the body. This means that the weight is shed from the entire body as well as the belly area and hence there is loss of inches from the waistline as well.

Whereas liposuction removes only the subcutaneous fat from certain areas of the body, it would not be effective in case of protruding belly where there is substantial visceral fat present within the abdominal cavity. Bariatric Surgery, on the other hand, removes fat from both the subcutaneous and visceral compartments giving a good result to those with pot belly without the risk of weight regain.
