Obesity Support Group Meeting organised at Dr Sunder Lal Memorial Hospital on 29 January

Dr. Sunder Lal Memorial Hospital recently organised a meeting titled “Obesity Support Group” – an initiative that will enable patients operated for bariatric surgery to share their experiences after undergoing this life changing procedure. This is a way forward to encourage such patients and offer a platform to set themselves as an example for others, who are presently facing similar struggle as they had encountered before the surgery. The meeting, conducted on 29 January 2017, was attended by post-surgery patients as well as obesity patients in the local community.


The meeting was jointly Addressed by Dr. Anirudh Vij, senior bariatric surgeon and Dr. Roshi Satija, senior gynaecologist, both from Dr. Sunder Lal Memorial Hospital. Dr Vij presented some nice facts about obesity, its causes and associated issues, general methods of resolution and resolution through specific approaches like bariatric surgery.

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He spoke about various “Things to do” And “Things not to do” that help deal with obesity at various stages. According to Dr. Vij, “Obesity has become a widespread concern in India and rest of the world. More than 12% of the males and 16% of females in India are obese. The trend of obesity in the country has grown almost three times in last 40 years. We cannot always put the blame on our lifestyle, unhealthy food habit, and stressful work life; rather we need to act proactively to bring a balance in between them. For those, who have crossed the threshold, there are improved medical procedures available, such as bariatric surgery. We at Dr. Sunder Lal Memorial Hospital have been conducting several weight loss surgeries (bariatric surgery) successfully and we are happy to have a few of them in this meeting. They are gradually coping up to normalcy and becoming more engaged with the mainstream...”

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Dr. Roshi Satija emphasised upon a burning medical Concern of the moment – “Infertility” and the role of obesity in aggravating the issue. Dr. Roshi has been providing treatment and successful result to many infertile couple through advanced technology like IVF (In vitro fertilisation). Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Roshi said, “Obesity and infertility are very closely related. In fact, obesity brings in certain, physio-anatomical-hormonal alteration, primarily in female body, which makes it less conducive to get pregnant. The rate and quality of ovulation gets severely affected. Obesity is directly related with Poly-Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), a common cause of infertility. We, as such, advise couples, who are planning for pregnancy to take close monitoring on their weight. Not only female, obesity equally affects male fertility as well…”

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Towards the end of the session, A one-hour yoga session was conducted for patients to maintain their physical and mental wellbeing post-surgery. This is very essential for patients after their bariatric surgery as they need to make their body regular with the things (activities and exercises), which have become a lost habit since long ago. The hospital will hold many such meetings in the future.

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