Obesity is a metabolic condition due to accumulation of excess fat in the body. In medical terms, a patient having BMI > 30kg/m2 is considered obese.

BMI stands for body mass index. It is calculated by dividing the weight in kilograms by the (height in meters)
BMI= Body weight in kg/(Height in meters)
Obesity is associated with a number of metabolic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, sleep apnea, PCOD, osteoarthritis and depression. It causes severe health risks and is associated with decreased life span and poor quality of life. Hence, it is important to stay close to your ideal body weight in order to be healthy.

Bariatric surgery is the only medically approved procedure for long term and effective weight loss. It is a laparoscopic surgery which involves reducing the size of the stomach or bypassing part of the intestine to decrease the intake and absorption of food which results in a gradual and sustained weight loss which is generally permanent

Liposuction is a plastic surgical procedure which involves removing excess fat from a particular area of the body. This is only a cosmetic procedure and the effects are temporary which can result in fat re-accumulation.

There are basically 2 types procedures – Restrictive and malabsorptive.Restrictive procedures include sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding and gastric plication which reduce the amount of food which can be taken at one time by the patient. Malabsorptive procedures include gastric bypass which decrease the amount of food which is absorbed through the intestine

The choice of the correct bariatric procedure has to be individualized after detailed discussion with your bariatric surgeon.
People who are morbidly obese i.e have BMI more than 37 kg/m2 or people with BMI more than 32 kg/m2 with associated diseases like diabetes, hypertension, etc. are candidates for bariatric surgery.

Diet, exercise and alternative treatments such as behavior/lifestyle modification are recommended for people who are simply overweight and not morbidly obese. These options are not effective in the morbidly obese group of people since it results in only 5-10% of excess weight loss and in most cases, this weight is regained after therapy is stopped. Also, vigorous exercise can strain their joints leading to wear and tear.

The surgery lasts for anywhere between 1-3 hours depending upon the type of operation being performed.
Generally patients lose 60-80% of their excess body weight (i.e the weight above their ideal weight for height and age) gradually in 1 year after surgery. The weight loss is most rapid in the initial 3-5 months and slows down after that.

As such there is no upper limit of weight for which this surgery cannot be done. It has even been done for patients weighing more than 300 kgs using specialized instruments.
Bariatric surgery not only helps in reducing weight but also results in complete remission or even cure of obesity related diseases like diabetes, hypertension, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, etc.
Generally, the patients are admitted one day prior to the day of surgery and get discharged 2-3 days after the procedure. The total stay in the hospital is between 3-5 days. Most patients can resume their work in the week following their surgery.
After bariatric surgery, patients can eat almost all types of food, but they have to restrict the quantity which they consume at one time. Also, the meals have to be more frequent and evenly spaced. On an average, the patients eat 4-6 small meals in a day after bariatric surgery.
Patients are generally advised to start routine activities 1-2 days after surgery. They can do light exercise in the first two weeks. They are told to avoid vigorous exercise or weights for two months after surgery. Post this period, they can do more or less everything.
Generally patients require multivitamin and calcium supplements for 6 months to 1 year post surgery. After that, their bodies get adjusted to the new physiology and medicines can be stopped.
This surgery is generally safe and performed with the highest standards of care using imported sophisticated instruments. The usual risks are the same as any other surgical procedure occur in less than 1 % of patients.
In most patients, bariatric surgery results in 60 -80% loss of the excess body weight so that patients come close to attaining their ideal weight. The majority of this weight loss is form of body fat hence the person feels lighter and better after surgery giving them new activeness and a sense of well being. Only in rare cases does a person lose more than the required weight which can then be treated by supplements.
Yes, pregnancy is safe after the phase of rapid weight loss ( i.e 1 year) is over. Patients are advised to conceive 12 months after they have undergone their surgery.
Some of the procedures such as gastric banding, plication and gastric bypass are reversible by doing a redo surgery. However, other procedures such as a sleeve gastrectomy are not reversible and result in permanent reduction in the size of the stomach.
There are several reasons why you should choose PSRI for your bariatric surgery
With more awareness amongst people and bariatric surgery proving to have significantly greater weight loss than any other therapy, it is definitely getting recognized more. With the benefits the surgery has to offer to morbidly obese people and the perennial slim aftereffect are certainly factors that contributed to bariatric surgery becoming pervasive. If you do choose to undergo a weight loss surgery, then we will come up with a customized solution to your problem based on your BMI, lifestyle, needs, etc. Hence, the cost endured may vary significantly depending on your needs.